Design and Technology

Who We Are

  • Mrs I Pinheiro Guerreiro (Curriculum Leader Design & Technology KS3)

  • Mr J Curry (Curriculum Leader Design & Technology KS4)

  • Ms Hugo

  • Miss S Solaymantash



Key Stage 3

As part of their work with design and technology pupils should be inspired through research and practical activities. Using creativity and imagination, pupils will learn how to research, design, make and evaluate their own products that solve real life problems. Pupils will learn how to take risks, understand context, develop practical skills and become resourceful, innovate, capable and inspiring citizens. Pupils will develop a critical understanding of the impact of technology on daily life and the wider world, with a wider understanding of sustainability in the current climate. Technology is taught throughout the year, with students having 1 hour of lesson time a fortnight in KS3.


Year 7

Across the year, students are introduced to fundamental design and making skills. Students will become familiar with the workshop environment and use a variety of hand tools and machinery.


Students will learn about the history of toy design and manufacture. They will have the opportunity to work with a range of materials, predominantly wood, to bring their own design for a block bot character to life.

Day of the Dead Felt Skulls

Students will develop basic textiles and sewing skills through the creation of a felt sugar skull inspired by the Mexican festival of the Day of the Dead.


Year 8

Throughout Year 8, students continue to develop their technical skills alongside an understanding of materials and their properties. The focus for the year is sustainability in Design & Technology

Sustainability in Design & Technology

Students will learn about the global impact of manufacturing and the meaning of sustainability. Students will use aspects of nature and environmental issues to inspire and inform their design ideas.

Tin Can Travel Game

Students will design and make their own travel game inspired by environmental issues. They will consider sustainability and work with a range of materials and techniques to manufacture their product.



Year 9

During in Year 9, students are introduced to more complex skills in designing and making using a range of materials and incorporating electronic components. Students also develop their understanding of design movement and designer styles.

LED Lamp

Students will have the opportunity to design and make a lamp inspired by a design movement. Students use a range of materials and are introduced to CAD/CAM techniques and electronics.

Designer Influence and Graphic Communication

Students develop their understanding of graphic design and typography as well as being introduced to a range of different designers to inspire their own design ideas of an advertising campaign.














Key stage 4 

The GCSE subject content sets out the knowledge, understanding and skills common to all GCSE specifications in design and technology to ensure progression from key stage 3 national curriculum requirements and the possibility of development to further study. It provides the framework within which awarding organisations create the detail of the subject specification. GCSE specifications in design and technology must reflect the subject aims and learning outcomes.

GCSE specifications in design and technology must equip students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to make a range of high-quality prototypes and products. They should encourage students to design and make products with carefully chosen and justified materials and enable them to make informed decisions about a wide range of further learning opportunities and career pathways as well as develop vital life skills for now and later in life.

In studying design and technology, students must:

  • Use research and exploration, such as the study of different cultures, past design movements and current designer to identify and understand user needs.
  • Identify and solve problems that are given to them.
  • Develop specifications to inform the design or innovate, functional and appealing products that respond to different needs in a variety of situations.
  • Understand and demonstrate a variety of communication techniques to display design ideas
  • Understand and accurately select and use a range of specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely.
  • Analyse the work of past and present professionals to develop their own work and ideas.
  • Test, evaluate and refine their own ideas and products against a specification, taking into account the view of intended users.
  • Understand developments in design and technology, its impacts of individuals, society and the environment, and the responsibilities of designers and engineers.
  • Understand and accurately select and use a range of materials based on their properties and suitability to a particular product

AQA GCSE Assessment Details.

Each student has a 2 hour written exam, this makes up 50% of the marks.

Pupils also carry out an NEA project showing their investigation, design, making and testing skills in a portfolio consisting of 30-35 hours of work.

September 2023