Business and Economics
Who We Are
Mr Teitel (Curriculum Leader for Business and Economics)
Miss Horne
Miss Solomon
Mr Myles
Mr Johnson
GCSE Business
Examination Board: Edexcel
Business Studies is a modern subject where students investigate how companies can be successful and how they can be managed effectively.
The subject is delivered in well resourced ICT suites or rooms with access to laptops allowing students to make good use of the Internet as a research tool. The course it split into two elements. In year 10 we look at Theme 1: Investigating small business. This is very much looking at Enterprise and entrepreneurship and spotting a business opportunity. It then considers the factors that need to be taken into account when putting a business idea into practice. This then expands into looking at what makes the business effective and possible external influences on this.
In year 11 we focus on Theme 2: Building a business. This develops the concepts of year 10 to look to see how to grow the business and strategies for making marketing decisions. It also now starts to look at operational decisions, financial decisions and human resource decisions.
Lessons are constantly updated based on changes in the economic and political landscape.
This course would be appropriate for motivated students who are interested in understanding about the world around them. To view the learning map in more detail please click on the image
Assessment: 2 examination assessments that consist of multiple choice, short answer and essay style questions.
Progression: A good preparation for A level Economics and A level Business, which can be taken in Year 12. Economics and Business qualifications are well regarded by universities and employers.
Key Stage 4 - Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
Examination board: OCR
This is a vocationally-related qualification that takes an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment. The Cambridge Nationals in Business and Enterprise provides students with a broad foundation of knowledge required for further study in business including the different types of business, career planning (including recruitment) and the role of enterprise in business
All learners will study three mandatory topics as follows:
· Enterprise and marketing concepts
· Design a business proposal
· Market and pitch a business proposal
The first topic underpins the wider learning in this qualification. Learners will develop essential knowledge and understanding of enterprise and marketing concepts, which can be applied to the other units within the qualification. Through the first topic learners will understand the main activities that will need to happen to support a start-up business, and what the key factors are to consider when starting up a business.
In the second topic, learners will develop the skills to design a business proposal to meet a specific business challenge. They will identify a customer profile for a specific product, complete market research to generate product design ideas, and use financial calculations to propose a pricing strategy and determine the viability of their product proposal. The knowledge and skills developed by completing this unit will assist learners in the third topic of this qualification.
In the third topic, learners will develop the skills to create a brand identity and promotional plan for their specific business product proposal developed in the second topic. They will develop pitching skills in order to pitch their business proposal to an external audience. Finally, they will review their pitching skills and business proposal using their learning, self-assessment and feedback gathered. The knowledge and skills developed by completing this topic
2 examination assessments that consist of multiple choice, short answer and essay style questions.
Each of these assessments are 1 hour 45 mins and also use case studies on which pupils have to base their theoretical knowledge.
November 2024