
Welcome from the 6th Form Lead - Mr D Constable

The Emmbrook Sixth Form is a special place that is at the heart of the Emmbrook community and is proud of its engagement with the wider school, and local community.  We offer our students the opportunity to develop a wide range of transferable skills, as well as a space in which they can be academically successful.  Our aim is to provide all our students with the foundation to embrace challenges in their future, and to thrive within the modern workplace.

At the Emmbrook Sixth Form, our mission is to deliver an outstanding level of education for all our students whilst maintaining a student-centred approach to everything we do.  We believe the Sixth Form experience is the most rewarding experience in education, and that we need to provide opportunities for students to gain qualifications and a wide range of skills needed to establish the foundations for a successful future.  Fundamentally, we believe that every member of our student body should be treated with kindness, fully supported, and empowered to build their best future.

In order to achieve our mission, the Emmbrook Sixth Form provides a nurturing environment, inspires all our students, and enables our students to achieve their potential.

Outside of the classroom, there are also a number of opportunities available to help our students develop the skills they will need for the future.  We offer a range of leadership opportunities that allow our students to take an active role in shaping the future of both the Sixth Form and the school as a whole.  There are a number of Sixth Form dedicated trips, such as World Challenge and a visit to Iceland, which offer our students fantastic opportunities to experience cultures from around the world.  We also encourage and provide opportunities for our Sixth Formers to get involved in the school and local communities through our volunteering, peer mentoring and our wider enrichment programmes. 

Overall, the Emmbrook Sixth Form supports its Sixth Formers from starting their journey to becoming successful, open-minded and resilient young adults.  Whatever path they want to follow, we will guide them with expert teaching and outstanding advice.  When they join the Emmbrook Sixth Form, they are not just joining an institution that will enable them to succeed academically, they are joining a community which will support and care for them and where they will make lasting memories and lifelong friendships.

I look forward to welcoming you into our Sixth Form in September.

Best wishes,

David Constable – Sixth Form Lead